Home > Rental Equipment Blog > We Offer Bobcat Rentals – The World’s Most Popular Loader for Over 50 Years

Skid Steers & Bobcat Loaders in Statesville North CarolinaWhen you think of a loader, you probably think of a skid steer loader, and the skid steer loader you think of is probably a Bobcat. You may not realize this, but the Bobcat company invented the skid steer loader over 50 years ago, and Bobcat loaders are still the most popular loaders in the world. They are known for their performance and reliability, as well as the comfort they afford their operators.

Bobcat produces a variety of types of loaders:

  • The skid steer loader is probably the most well-known. It is a versatile unit with wheels and tires and can work with a wide variety of attachments and options for the completion of many different tasks.
  • The compact track loader is similar to a skid steer loader, except that it has tracks instead of tires.
  • The mini track loader is a smaller unit that you can ride or walk behind. It can take the place of wheelbarrows and shovels (reducing manual labor) and is a great choice for places with limited access.

Bobcat rentals can be a great way to gain access to the advantages of these powerful machines without the expense of owning and maintaining one. However, before you pursue any Bobcat rentals, it is important that you know how to safely operate the machinery. The Bobcat company has many safety videos and training online, some specifically geared towards people with Bobcat rentals. The primary dangers of Bobcat operation are being crushed by the moving parts, which can be avoided by never leaving the operating station unless the engine is off and the lift arms are down. Rollover accidents are also common and are generally caused by heavy loads or uneven ground. Operators who are properly strapped in are less likely to be harmed in a rollover. Here at Eagle Rentals, we will make sure you feel comfortable with safe operation before you leave with your Bobcat rentals.